Nomen est Omen: Europe has played a prominent role at Europa-Park since day one. Therefore, it is only logical that there is such a close cooperation with the Council of Europe in Strasbourg: Since 2003, Roland Mack has been “Special Ambassador of the Council of Europe for Families”.
The topic “family” traditionally plays a big role at Europa-Park. Here, children, young people and adults from different backgrounds can get to know each other in an uncomplicated way - and they can learn a lot from each other. As a special ambassador, Roland Mack is in good company in the small circle: The Alsatian artist Tomi Ungerer was among them, as is the human rights activist Bianca Jagger.
An outstanding example of the cooperation is the annual international youth camp jointly organized by the Council of Europe and Europa- Park. Young people from conflict nations such as Israel and Palestine, as well as from Kosovo and the Caucasus, live together for a week at Europa-Park‘s Camp Resort and deal with the emergence and combating of conflicts in seminars and workshops. Words and singing instead of weapons and stones. That is the living motto of this unique encounter that has been successful for many years.