Over the year, more and more people were dreaming of the reconstruction of the Frauenkirche and followed the “Call from Dresden”, made by the “Stiftung Frauenkirche” in 1990. The conviction that the completely destroyed Frauenkirche had to be rebuilt was already shared by many inside and outside of Dresden after the destruction. But it was to take 45 years before the realisation of this wish came within reach. A whole 60 years had to pass before the Frauenkirche could once again open its doors to visitors in its full baroque beauty. The first efforts at reconstruction had begun in the last months of the war. Thanks to the unique initiative of citizens, the wish to reconstruct the church was carried all over the world. Over eleven years, the church was rebuilt piece by piece, using historical materials wherever possible. The non-profit foundation Frauenkirche Dresden is full of gratitude: “This was an almost incomprehensible joint effort. The reconstruction of the Frauenkirche could only succeed because people from all over the world were willing to offer generous donations. It was something like the Miracle of Dresden”.
By the time the Frauenkirche was consecrated on 30 October 2005, more than 100 million euros had been donated. Around 70 million were raised through the joint donation campaign of the Frauenkirche Foundation and the Dresdner Bank, 31 million were raised by the Society for the Promotion of the Reconstruction of the Frauenkirche Dresden. Europa-Park also contributed to the reconstruction with several fundraising campaigns.